DVCH devillarchacon was established in Madrid in 2OO8 and is currently present in Spain, Mexico and Taiwan.
The office work is focused on providing architectural solutions able to stablish a dialogue between citizens and their environment that we understand as a balance between the natural, the social and the urban condition. DVCH projects range every scale, from landscaping and public buildings, to housing, installations, exhibitions or interior design and has been awarded in international competitions in Spain as the Congress Center “Vegas Altas” in Villanueva de la Serena, the Music and Dance School in Ciutadella and the Park in Denia in 2021. In 2016 DVCH opens its office in Mexico where it develops several projects, as the lineal Park “Lomas de Sotelo” in Mexico D.F, the Kinder Park in Mexicali, Baja California, the Prototype for a house in APAN or the Book stands in La Condesa. In 2020 DVCH starts its activity in Taiwan, with several projects currently under development in Taichung and Xitou covering housing, public buildings and art installations.
The activity of DVCH DeVillarCHacon and Its co- founder architects José de Villar Martínez and Carlos Chacón Pérez have been granted with awards at Design competitions and Built work acknowledgements (See Awards section). It has also been published internationally in more than 20 countries (See Publication section).
José de Villar Martínez (Madrid, 1976) is a Master Architect since 2003 at ETSAM-UPM (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), and PG Dip Doctoral Studies since 2010 at ETSAM-UPM.
He worked as team leader for SELGASCANO between 2003 and 2006. He has been Advisor and Architectural Coordinator of the Urban Development Area at “Subdirección General de Sustentabilidad” (Infonavit, México) between 2014 and 2016.
Currently he is Co-Founder of DVCH DeVillarCHacon Architecture since 2008 and Associate Professor at Tecnológico de Monterrey since 2018.
Carlos Chacón Pérez (Madrid, 1977) is a Master Architect since 2003 at ETSAM – UPM (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). He studied botanics at the Master of Gardening and Landscaping of the Agronomical School at UPM in 2010 and went through his second Master in Advanced Design Architecture in 2014. Currently he is finishing his PhD about the relationship of Architecture and figurative images at the end of the 20th century.
He worked as collaborating Architect for SMAO Sancho Madridejos Architecture Office from 2001 to 2004 and as Team Leader Architect at SELGASCANO from 2005 to 2010.
Currently he is Co-Founder of DVCH devillarchacon since 2008 and Associate Professor at Feng Chia University Taiwan since 2018 and Associate professor at Tecnológico de Monterrey University Mexico since 2022.